date: 04/04/2019
place: Mosaic House, Prague
number of guests: 30

Together with american company Salesforce, the world leader in CRM and enterprise cloud systems, we prepared the traditional Partner Kick-off & Ceremony event. During the evening, the client summed up not only FY18 and introduced FY19 goals, but also appreciated the success of its local partners in a total of 6 categories.

The STARS team secured suitable and very stylish venue corresponding Salesforce DNA and meeting the event parameters. Our team has also provided branding plan and prints, catering, related logistics, thematic hostesses and the trophies for the winners themselves.

We were pleased to meet again not only the client but also his partners such as Accenture, Advired, CassaCloud, Clouderia, Bluewolf, fansfactory, Enehano, CGI, Sprinx Consulting, PwC and Mooza inspire.

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